Sarah Cook
Dean- Education
B.A., Psychology, Saint Mary’s College, South Bend, In.
M.A., Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
Ph.D, Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
- Biography
Dr. Cook began her appointment as dean of the Georgia State Honors College in July 2022. Prior to this position, Dr. Cook served as associate dean of the Honors College 2012 – 2020 and interim dean from 2020 – 2022.
As a professor at GSU, Dr. Cook’s interest in the Honors College began with a role on the Honors Program Executive Council as well as with opportunities to mentor honors students through the University Assistantship Program and to teach honors courses on the psychology of women.
Dean Cook’s vision for the Honors College is for it to be both a life-long community and a destination for high-achieving, curious, and motivated students who want to connect with Atlanta and the world. The college focuses on promoting growth through opportunities within and beyond GSU, with a special focus on transformational service and human rights.
Dr. Cook began her career as a professor of psychology in the Department of Psychology in 1997 – her tenure in the department culminating in a directorship, leading the undergraduate program in psychology from 2003 – 2008.
Dr. Cook is nationally recognized as an expert on violence against women. Her research explores how science conceptualizes and measures the problem, ethical issues in researching it, how to prevent it, and how it intersects with other problems such as HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Her research has been funded by the National Institute of Justice, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National institutes of Health.