Ashwin Ashok
College to Career Fellow- Biography
Ashwin Ashok is the College-to-Career Fellow in the Honors College at Georgia State University. He also is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia State, where he joined the faculty in spring of 2017, and he directs the MORSE Studio.
His duties in the Honors College have also included Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference (GSURC) review and judge committee member, Dugald Hudson Scholarship review committee member, Undergraduate Assistantship Program (UAP) and Honors Thesis advisor, and Presidential Scholarship judge.
His research group focuses on emerging technologies in mobile and robotic systems through experiential research. His work spans areas in communications and networking, robotics, environmental systems and privacy/security.
He completed his postdoctoral research from Carnegie Mellon University in 2016 and Ph.D. from Wireless Information Network Lab (WINLAB) at Rutgers University in 2014. His Ph.D. thesis pioneered camera–based communication through a novel concept called Visual MIMO. He founded in 2015 and continues to co–chair the ACM Wearable Systems and Applications (WearSys) workshop. He serves on the program committee for several ACM and IEEE conferences and journals, as editor for Elsevier Vehicular Communications, guest editor for the special issue on visible light and camera communications in MDPI Electronics journal, and in the working committee for IEEE P1920.2 (Vehicle to Vehicle Communications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems) standard.
He has introduced two project based courses at Georgia State: Computer Vision and Introduction to Robotics, which are taught at both, undergraduate and graduate levels. He integrates research and teaching with outreach activities through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), Georgia State Robotics for Women (GROW), and is an avid supporter for open-sourcing in research.