More than $2,000,000 awarded to Honors students in merit scholarships each year.
More than 60 competitive national scholarship and fellowship recipients call the Honors College home.
More than 2100 Honors College students have presented at the Georgia State Undergraduate Research Conference.
The median high school GPA for our Fall 2021 incoming class was 4.03.
Why Honors?
The Honors College at Georgia State University is made up of incredibly talented and highly motivated students—students who are leading the way both on and off campus; students who are challenging themselves to dream bigger and achieve more; students just like you.
We offer these talented and motivated undergraduate students the experience of a highly selective small college combined with the breadth of programs and opportunities of a large public research university in a dynamic and thriving city.
The benefits of the Honors College include:
- Small classes (typically fewer than 25 students) and special sections of lower- and upper-division courses taught by Georgia State’s most expert professors.
- Individualized academic advising from our Honors advisement team.
- Access to dedicated honors housing with special residential programming.
- Specialized internship programs with opportunities in Atlanta and London.
- A dedicated office for prestigious national scholarships and fellowships.
- Unique leadership experiences including the Ambassador Corps, which offers training and volunteer opportunities to a diverse and dedicated cadre of honors students.
- Our home in Centennial Hall, featuring four student lounge spaces, modern seminar rooms, a computer lab and student lockers.
Once admitted to the Honors College, students pursue degrees in any of Georgia State’s 62 undergraduate majors, with enhanced opportunities for academic achievement, research, housing, cultural programs, advisement, preparation for graduate or professional school and mentoring for prestigious national undergraduate and postgraduate scholarship and fellowship competitions.
The Honors College is committed to the success of our students. We are dedicated to providing students with opportunities that will prepare them for a lifetime of leadership and achievement. We hope you join us.
An Introduction to Honors
Welcome from the Dean
In July of 2020, Sarah Cook began her new position as Interim Dean of the Honors College at Georgia State University. Please take a moment to read her welcome to all Honors students.
Student Outcomes
Our graduates are not only competitive in the workplace but also go on to top graduate and professional schools. Check out the current list of where our Honors alums have gone on to after graduation.
Board of Visitors
The Board of Visitors of the Honors College is a non-governing advisory board whose purpose is to help the Honors College achieve its mission. Board members are drawn from Georgia State graduates as well as others with an interest in education.